Infographic: How Many Faxes Are Sent Each Year Instead of Internet-Based Fax
Many people think of the fax machine as being a relic of the past which has been usurped by many different and more modern forms of communication. However, fax machines are still being used every day in huge volumes all around the globe. The infographic below from Coupon Chili does a great job of showing just how global fax usage effects the planet. It includes how many faxes are sent every year, how many trees get cut down to supply the large amount of paper used, as well as considerations as to how much sending faxes could be costing you and your company.
Infographic Highlights
Some highlights from the infographic show that there are over 17 million fax machines still in use in the United States with global number in excess of 46 million fax machines. Based on some calculations and assumptions that means that nearly 17 million paper-based faxes are still being sent each and every year! You can imagine the impact that has on the environment as the infographic shows that this could equal 800 miles high worth of paper. That’s a staggering 35 times higher than Felix Baumgartner jumped in his recent space descent!
2 Million Trees Used Each Year for Fax Paper
In terms of trees, the amount of paper being used to send all these faxes works out to be 2 million trees getting cut down every year. If you can visualize five thousand football pitches worth of forest, that’s how this impacts the environment.
Better to Use Internet-Based Fax
All of this points towards companies ideally choosing to adopt Internet-based fax systems such as RingCentral. Coupon Chili who created this infographic have a page dedicated to RingCentral referral codes which lets companies make a saving when signing-up to the online fax services.
RingCentral Fax is Cheap and Environmentally-Friendly
Using RingCentral it’s possible to send fax via email, smartphone, desktop PC and many other different electronic formats. The service is relatively cheap and reduces the need for expensive fax machines, paper, ink cartridges and set-up costs. The whole system can be run via an online admin tool.
Infographic Credits: This free infographic showing how many faxes are sent and the environmental effects of fax usage was conceived, researched, and created by Marc Chili – part of the Coupon Chili team. Coupon Chili is fast becoming one of the web’s leading resources for coupon and voucher codes that can be redeemed at various different online retailers.