MSI GP75 Leopard comes to us with the nVidia Geforce RTX2070 along with the intel Core i7-10750H Processor & 17.3, 144Hz 1080p IPS display.

The model which I reviewed is the MSI GP75 Leopard 10SFK 074CA which has some amazing specs packed in like the nVidia RTX2070 along with the intel Core i7-10750H Processor which is able to produce some great performance.

When we are looking at the 144hz screen you need to have the specs to go to those frame rates and the RTX 2070 definitely is able to handle that with most games. When looking at game performance with high settings you are looking to exceed 80+ fps, also if you are going on medium setting you can achieve greater fps like we saw on Fortnite we were able to do way over 144fps making the 144hz monitor very useful.


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