Stealth Acoustics – Fantastic New Gadgets

Stealth acoustics is the new rage in audio technology. So what’s all the fuss about? This new line of technology gadgets hides speakers in places where you would least expect to find them. They can be installed in walls, under or behind surfaces or even in existing household items.


Talking Furniture?

It’s not as far-fetched as one might think. Technology specialists are able to install high quality speakers in furniture, floors, ceiling and even picture frames! The ability to add sound anywhere in any room allows for a truly exquisite audio listening experience.

For home cinemas or home theatres this technology is a perfect fit. Imagine installing hidden speakers in chair armrests. Each person would receive direct and clear sound with little or no interference for perfect cinematic listening enjoyment.


In the Public Eye

This technology has found great application in the public sector. By installing a specifically engineered electro-acoustic loudspeaker onto any resonant surface, it is transformed into high quality speaker.

By mounting the transducer speaker on the rear side of the panel, the need for boxes or ugly grill facing is eliminated. Thus resulting in a sound system that well-disguised, performs in all types of weather conditions and is less prone to vandalism.

For example, this type of system would work well on any PA (public announcement) systems or in areas where public address speakers are necessary. This types of situations generally require a product that is robust, clear and low-powered. Invisible speaker systems are a great solution to the difficulties posed in these scenarios.


How to install Video


No More Wires!

A new stealth acoustic product to recently hit the market is the Lampshade Invisible Speaker. This innovative product actually hides the speaker in a lampshade. Not only is the speaker “invisible” once the shade is in place, it is also wireless.

This unique gadget possesses the capability of streaming audio from about any source – TV, computers or even a mobile phone. With the aid of a 2.4 GHz base station, the audio source can be up to two hundred feet away from the lampshade. Simply plug the audio source into the base station and experience an audio system that delivers rich, crystal clear sound. And there’s more good news – the base station accommodates up to four speaker units.

The speaker’s 25Watt amplifier is a special treat. It makes the listening experience even more enjoyable. The speaker is cleverly powered by the lamp itself, thereby reducing the need for any more power cords or wires.

The ease of installing and using the Invisible Speaker system is augmented by the remote control aspect of the product. Not only does the remote allow for speaker volume control, it also has the ability to turn the lamp off and on.


The Way Forward

Imagine having waiting in the cold for the next bus and having the actual bus stop tell you that the bus is just two minutes away. Or sitting nervously in a hospital treatment room and hearing a calming voice, telling you that the doctor is on the way.

There are all sorts of ways that this new technology can make life easier, safer and more enjoyable.

David is a free lancer writer working for robustbuy.Robustbuy is an online shopping for all kinds of cool gadgets,electronics.Make sure to  check them out


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