Improvements In Cycling Technology Over The Last 20 Years
Many of us can remember our first bicycles. We all recall their rather clumsy handling, their ability to rust with even the slightest bit of moisture and how heavy they were to carry into the house during winter months. We have seen great technological advances in the last twenty years in many forms of technology, and the world of bicycling is no exception. Let us have a quick look at some of the most recent innovations which have given riding enthusiasts even more reasonsto take to the road.
Carbon Fibre Frames
This is most likely the breakthrough that most of us are aware of, as carbon fibre is utilised in a variety of industries. Aluminium and steel are quickly being replaced with this lightweight, rustproof and exceedingly strong material. Another benefit of carbon fibre technology is that it can absorb the shocks often felt over difficult terrain more effectively. Thus, not only is this composite durable and lightweight, but it also allows the user to experience a more comfortable ride. In recent times, many mountain bikes are now offering this option to choose from, further highlighting their safety benefits.
Full Suspension Bicycles
This second improvement has as much to do with comfort as it does with handling all types of terrain. Not only does this change provide a more comfortable ride, but this type of suspension is easily adjustable to accommodate different body types and centres of gravity. Riders will find themselves better balanced than with previous suspension systems.
Disk Brakes
Many of us associate disk brakes with automobiles, but they have also entered into bicycling technology. Their major benefit lies in the ability to clamp much more firm than rim brakes. This obviously gives more stopping power and improved control over winding courses. Additionally, they are much more resilient to conditions such as mud, grit and water that would prove detrimental to more traditional methods of braking. Finally, these systems can be incorporated on a larger variety of frames than rim brakes.
LED Lighting
Light emitting diodes are now the mainstay of headlamps for bicycles. They offer a crisper quality of light as well as are able to project their beams much further into the distance. Thus, they represent a vast safety improvement for night riders. They are also much smaller than previous models and their lightweight lithium ion batteries are fully rechargeable. For further information, websites such as tredz have many examples of this improved lighting technology.
Electronic Gear Shifting
Most of us are accustomed to manually shifting gears while bicycling. This action is being quickly replaced by technology which allows for automatic gear changes based a bicycle’s inclination or declination. As these processes are exacting in their nature, smooth transitions between gears are now a reality. Also, it is said that the rechargeable batteries have a life of approximately 1,000 miles. This website provides more details on this process.
Bicycle seats are also much more comfortable than in the past. Many now use composite materials and gels to give added comfort and the least vibration. Some even are tested to fit the contours of specific body types. Such websites such as can help further illustrate just how far bicycle saddles have come in recent years. These are but a few of the most prominent advances in cycling to be found in recent times. There is no doubt that this trend will continue into the future; providing even higher levels of comfort and safety for the biking enthusiast.
Improvements In Cycling Technology
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Terry Pierce is a keen cyclist and blogs about waterproof cycling gear. Terry enjoys going for mountain bike rides across the British countryside, when he is not out walking his two dogs, tweeting or updating the sealskinz facebook.